The Doctor is in!
News, Events, Stories, and Information
Meditation & Breathing for Depression & Anxiety
Meditation & Breathing for Depression & Anxiety Facilitated by: Laura Danner, LPC Group members will be taught breathing techniques to help with depression and anxiety. The group will be introduced to different forms of meditation. Meditation has been proven...
Will My Counselor Keep Everything Private?
Will My Counselor Keep Everything Private? Yes. It is crucial to the success of any counseling or psychotherapy that everything in the session remain private. You are encouraged to say anything and everything to your counselor and you can be assured that it will...
BCA in the Community!
BCA in the Community! Bethlehem Counseling Associates is a proud sponsor of the 2018 Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs! Check out our advertisement this season at Coca-Cola Park! Attending the Community Services for Children Marketing Event! Julie Mackey, LPC & Kimberly...
Why are we hard on ourselves?
Why are we hard on ourselves? In this season of love, The Wisdom Coalition turns the focus inward and asks why we women sometimes find it so difficult to love ourselves. Listen to a lively panel discussion from The Wisdom Coalition Winter Renewal Retreat at Bell Gate...
Can’t I Just Talk to a Friend?
Can't I Just Talk to a Friend? People often wonder how “just talking” to a therapist can change a psychological disorder. How can a friendly chat ease my depression or anxieties or raise my self-esteem? And, besides, why can’t I just talk to a trusted friend or...
Is Anyone Really “Normal?”
Is Anyone Really “Normal?” Yes. But, being normal is probably not what you think it is. “Normal”, from a psychologist’s point of view, is not 2.4 children, a dog, two cars and a white picket fence. Normal is not about where you live, your paycheck, your job or whether...